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My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

When words fail.

There is hardly any time other than when you are feeling really hurt or really excited that you cannot express yourself in words.

For a person who lives by their gift of words, it must be a daunting task to speak and harder to converse. The relation between the reason and the ability of expressing it in words are inversely related. In my personal experience, I have hardly managed to land myself in these situations. Courtesy my not so happening "life". But trying look back, I do see a phase in life where I refused to speak and refused to be spoken to.

The event was hardly a matter of concern, but this time the only difference was that I could not help myself. And I think there is nothing as bad as feeling of being in the dumps and not trying to seek help as well.

But the golden rule as always applies- This too shall pass.
And thankfully it did.

For people who stood by me, I hope they did not know. For people who knew me well, I made sure they did not know...

The experiment has paid off, and to an extent helped me as a person to realize that giving advice is easy and taking one close to impossible.

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