One week in a dingy room, which I have to share with two others. I already hate it.
I keep looking at the calender for those red letter dates marking Holidays.
One week in new a hostel room has been eventful. The most hardest part being perpetually hungry, because you are served dinner at 7 and by the time its 10 Pm you see half hungry souls digging out packets of chips and crisps. And you join them for the loot.
Then the usual stuff, nasty roomies, people who have superb overhearing ability, bitching, stupid discussions, commenting on guys and generally talking pure bullshit.
It feels disgusting to be surrounded by dimwits. They give you such honestly nonsensical advice on every problem you have or you might have to face in the coming days and months. They are adept at matchmaking that they keep spreading nonsensical ideas and rumors which keeps coming back for more updates. I do not believe in speed dating or the like.
What I hate most is people I hardly recognize or just people I don't know; sifting through my bag and its contents looking for clues and other small details. They are such dumb people that they forgot to replace some of the contents in a hurry to cover up their act.
To top it all is the total absence of very uncommon common sense and manners. Why on earth would you want to read through my notes and scribbling pad notes or even those sms's? And some other rather lovelorn people sitting on the stairs with no light on while talking on the phone, one gets to see only a silhouette in total darkness and very low but audible sounds. It managed to scare me once while trotting back from a friend's room across the C shaped corridor, making me squeak.
The food is manageable, but the process of getting it is bad. You wait like jail inmates with your plate while they serve or rather throw the food into your plate, it depends on your athletic ability and kinetic senses to position your plates at the correct place at the correct time. While making sure not to drop other contents. I never knew that you could apportion a small sardine into 8 pieces ensuring that nobody knew what fish was it until you tasted it.
I know Iam cribbing, but I just cant help it but hate, or rather dislike it.
They hardly know me for the last 2 weeks which does'nt automatically authorize them to sift through my bag, my books and other belongings "just for fun".
I need to educate them about things like personal space and basic privacy at least while I am talking.......... on the phone to my parents (who else) ?? :|
While the hardest part is being asked umpteen number of times, the same question "What are you doing ?" while you are trying to concentrate to read something after the last intruder had just left after her round of questions and uninvited gyan.
Ahh I love being left alone to read and write and listen to my fav music on my part of the room . I do not enjoy chorus singing while somebody else in the room is trying hard to read or write. I pay for space of room allow me to use it.
totally can understand ur post. sympathies in abundance.
Plug ur ears with ur music player, and pretend u cant hear anything. dont even look at others when ur reading. thats the tactic i employ nowadays to get a lil reading tme. else, chit(chat) happens!
Thats the best I can do.
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