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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tagged by Nariyal Chutney almost 2 months ago. Just making cosmetic changes to the tag hope NC does'nt mind and wont grind me to chutney.

The rules:

1. Name the person (of course with the link) who tagged you.

2. Describe what you are asked to do, in this case publish 5th paragraph of page 123 of the book you are currently reading. (if the page does not have 5th paragraph, take the last paragraph. And if the book doesn’t have page no. 123, take the last page.)

3.Tag five people. (sadly I don't have wide readership, so I can tag only 3 bloggers)

Iam currently reading this book- "The Chessmaster and his moves by Raja rao". I started reading it just yesterday so have'nt reached page 123.

As such the 123rd page has no fifth paragraph, so here I go to the last paragraph which is quite lengthy.

It reads:
"England always gave him a sense of 'coming back home in a way. His ancestors, for two generations at least, had been loyalto the British crown. The Raja Sahib, a Lieutenant Colonel (honorary) in the Garhwali rifles, had fought in the Middle east during Hitler War. . . "

I picked up this book from the British library. I had eyed this book long ago, but I decided to take a look at other books before I could take this and whoosh it was gone in under minute. But this time I was able to trace it and get it issued. It needs to be seen whether I can go past the 17th page, which Iam currently reading.

Now most important part tagging 5 people.

1. Chandu- You ought to be reading something other than those papers.
2. Ammoma- I know you are reading fiction , so this is easy for you.
3. Anyone who is bored and chanced upon this poor blog, while blog hopping.
4. Ajith- Since you are latest to comment on my last post!
5. Somebody please volunteer.


N A R I YA L C H U T N E Y said...

:) .Strange Now , The book seems to be by Raja Rao but has Engaland in it all along in the sentence you have mentioned. Hmm so what about the secong tag :P.

Anonymous said...

moan! groan! slowaan!( my own contribution)

i just took a look ( after abt a month) at NC and saw that i'd been tagged bby him ( the 8 facts tag). then i just peeked at u, and what do i get.
oh my god! what do i do? what do i do?

will post this month

Anonymous said...

ill take that tag a lil later.
bcoz i was tagged by NC first. Have to deal with his first

Anonymous said...

at least, i saw his post first

Attribution said...

@ NC - it deals with an Indian mathematician working in Paris and his affection for a French actress.

@Granma- Sure.

Ajith Prasad Balakrishnan said...

wait for some days..Becoz the book I'm reading right now - pappilon -- is a bit violent and sometimes to the extremes in those pages.. infact through out the book..let me finish it and take some other book.

Attribution said...

@ajith- Sure take your time.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm done with the tag