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My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

TV star!

On my rather sober journeys in the bus or the local passenger trains I keep meeting so many "want to become a known model who is paid handsomely" gals. The other day I was the second last person in a queue wanting to pay library dues, I happened to meet the latest in the my list.

She was tall (or rather taller than me), looked pale and a lot anorexic. She was getting impatient to get over with the rituals and she kept saying in low tones "shit" I looked around and noticed that many of them were here with their parents waiting to get over with the task and tow their kids home. So 20 mins in to the queue the attendent comes walking and hands us coupons with numbers written on it, mine reads 114.

The scene didnt look very encouraging, I called up home to ask if I should stay back or come some other day to do the rituals...
To which I am told "get over with the thing and then come home".

The girl standing there wasnt very pleased with her number she said "Iam going lot of peoples" (Eh peoples??)

I started thinking wow that would mean I can move one more position.. yipee. But later she said she is having none of it.. i will go ask.. I said well go ahead..

What followed was one very funny english conversation.

Which started some what like this- "Saar, we standing here from morning 9 o clock, please do fast. we have lot of study exams next week. we want atleast distinction. Saar please.."

I dont remember hearing the rest, she had walked back to her place contented that she had done her bit.

Sensing this queue would take hours to end I started a quick chat with the girl standing in front of me, she tells me she is a TV star, (oh !) anchor, singer and a dancer. That was quite a list..

Parents both doctors, one sister kala-thilakam and one doggy! As the queue progresses, the sunlight gets harder and stronger, thats when I notice the "star's" face.

As her coats of paint started to wear, her face looked more pale and with dark circles around her eyes, but when she had joined the queue, she was all decked up ready to finish this thing in a jiffy and dash off to the studio car waiting to pick her up. But the cashier would have none of it..she had blasted outrightly, "koche poyi lineil nillkuu hmm vegam.."

A college student in her early twenties, with a fake british accent, being paid for being talkitive, and good looking that is all I could find in her. But, after her thick cake of cosmetics wore off she was a regular girl. Who was interested only in fake jewellry, accessories, her dress and the latest trends.

She was an MA student, but her college bag looked impoverished, no books inside it, 2 pens, and a comb thats all.

When her turn finally arrived to pay the dues, she fumbled with her papers, couldnt find the exact change and when queried about her main subject, she looked straight into the eyes of the cashier for a whole
2 secs before she could say something.

I guess she had been too busy to think about her real life. Finally, when we had said the byes, she said she would mail me, and yes she did true to her word. But the mail wasnt very interesting, her raves and rants...

Fortunately, the work was over by 3 and I ran like mad to catch my bus back home. Phew.

On the way back I humm "Video killed the radio star"

Work done!


pophabhi said...

That touch of 'Video killed a radio star' was :).

Attribution said...

@ popabhi-why was "video killed radio star" :) ???

pophabhi said...

Plain simple - It made me smile. Coz of the picture it blew up in my mind. :)