Last Wednesday was the first day of the Malayalam Month of Vrishchikam and is considered as one of the holiest months, when devotees throng the hill temple of Sabarimala.
This also happens to be my favorite month because of the climatic conditions in here in Kerala, its sunny and then there are strong breezes. I like this climate because Iam reminded of the first time I was in Kerala during this month back in 1999, the school backround with lush green rice fields was a great backdrop for the time I used to spend just talking to my new formed friends .
These conversations helped learn the language, and most importantly helped me to find that truly special friend of mine. She still makes it a point to call me up whenever she comes home from her hostel. And I do call her once in a while.. last time I called her was in last week of October..
My memories are also particulary sweet because of those tasty Aravana payasam tins that used to circulate in the class rooms during the classes and mainly during the lunch break. Classmates who had visited the Temple would bring them, and there would always be a huge crowd surrounding the can.
While I write this I can hear some Bhajans being sung in our neighbourhood, some of them are leaving for the temple tommorow.
Winters down south are more enjoyable and considerably warm considering the harsh winters of the north where the sun is just not there and there is the fog.
Thinking of winters bring back warm memories of cups of Adrak chai (Ginger tea) and soups with friends from college around and later would end up late in the class and say "Ma'm its cold so.... "
Winters are nice time to curl up, read something sip hot tea or coffee and and most importantly for sleeping. Winters in the North are particulary dark with no or little sunshine and the fog, which makes venturing out a real dangerous activity.
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